
Gas liquefaction

Developments last few years in the MEI (TU), based on the use of mixed gases as a working body, helped to create an entirely new class of similar plants that differ originality of engineering solutions, high reliability and efficiency that the reduced nitrogen liquefier prototype low performance.

Low temperature heat into electrical energy conversion technology

It is proposed to create its own electricity generating installation without additional energy resources. Its operation is based on a fuller use of the potential energy of the object at the expense of energy efficiency of evacuees in the flue gases of steam boiler installations and the use of regulatory excess heat is removed from the "return flow" coolant, the heat returned by the consumer as unused. Also possible the production of new commercial products using textures from the flue (exhaust) gases СО2, cold, liquefied СО2 gas, СО2 granulated, and so forth.

The project of modernization of solid boilers with a translation into an alternative fuel

The aim of the project is the modernization of boilers in the amount of 26 pieces. in the Moscow region, is currently working on coil, in order to convert to the use of wood pellets. As the pellets are used ligno-gel pellets of peat mixed with a variety of organic waste (wood waste, agricultural waste and ets.). The patent for utility model number 137289 on 10 February 2014 "technological line for the production of ligno-helium fuel pellets".